Screw and the fishing ways!

October 5, 2009

So tonight I went to login on Facebook and noticed my wifes Facebook account was hacked and had a profile update that said! “I lost 8 1/2 pounds in only 2 weeks with this new pill! visit to get your free trial pack!”  I can’t believe companies like this can get away with this type of marketing.  Not are they only illegally hacking into peoples personal accounts they are embarrassing and degrading people…. I think this company should have class action suite taken against them for illegally getting classified information under the privacy act, and using in a way to market their  company. I did some fishing my self and easily found their email  support email and phone # 1-800-536-9026  The # is now going straight to voice mail but I will try to get more info from this # during business hours. I also blame Facebook, for it is compromised and not doing anything about it. Please respond by making a commet if your Facebook has been compromised and hacked by this company. That way if or should I say when legal action is taken, we already have a list of people to start with.